Richard Dallaway Hello! I'm Richard, and I write things down here.

14 Oct 2015

SBT Tricks

Dear Richard: these are the SBT tricks you should have known about. They are the ones you wish you could remember just when you need them, but you don’t. So here they are written down.

23 Aug 2015

Using slickless with Plain SQL

With shapeless HList support available for Slick, we can make further use of shapeless to reduce boilerplate code. This post explores how to do this for the Slick GetResult type class.

14 Jul 2015

Upsert in Slick 3

An upsert means inserting a row into a database if it doesn’t already exist, or updating the row if it does exist. The Slick database library knows how to do upserts. This posts takes a look at the built-in support, and gives an example of what you can do if you need to roll your own upsert logic.

This is part of a series on Slick, for material in or being added to Essential Slick.

28 Jun 2015

One Week with OS Maps

I like the Ordnance Survey maps, in particular the 1: 25 000 Explorer range. Intrigue by the recent launch of “download included”, I used the OS Maps app for a week. This is how that worked out.

10 Jun 2015

Towards Browser and Server Utopia with Scala.js

At Scala Days 2015 in Amsterdam I talked about Scala.js, and in particular focussed on the great interoperability with JavaScript. This post gives additional links if you want to dig deeper.

28 May 2015

Typechecking SQL in Slick and doobie

Querying a database is sometimes best done with hand-written SQL. Of course the trick is to find a way to avoid syntax and type errors at run time. This post will look at how Slick and doobie approach this problem.

15 May 2015

Slick Query Enrichment

Query enrichment (or query extensions) in Slick can provide a concise way to express domain-specific logic. This gives extra flexibility beyond Slick’s combinators, such as map and filter. This post builds up an example micro DSL, showing the benefits in clarity and reduced repetition.

06 May 2015

Introducing Essential Slick

Essential Slick is a new book we’ve been working on, which is now available for early access. That means, we’ll be making updates before we announce a final version, although all the chapters are available. This post tells you a bit more about the book and its origin.

24 Apr 2015

Practices for Distributed Scala Teams

Jutta Eckstein’s recent presentation on distributed teams rang true for me. We’ve leaned much about distributed teams, about what works, and what causes issues. In this post I’ll note the challenges for new Scala teams, and ways to tackle them.

08 Mar 2015

Notes from Software Architecture Fundamentals

I've been working through the "Software Architecture Fundamentals" course. These are my notes. They will probably make no sense unless you've taken the course.

16 Jan 2015

Highlights of the Lift Web Framework 2.6 Release

Highlights of the Lift 2.6 release.

10 Jan 2015

Papertrail Logging with Lift and AWS Beanstalk

How to integrate Papertrail's logging service into a Lift webapp.