Richard Dallaway Hello! I'm Richard, and I write things down here.

05 Jan 2015

Code Review at Scala eXchange

Notes from my talk about what I've found reviewing code.

03 Sep 2014

Scala Enumerations

Should you use the Scala built-in enumerations, or roll your own? There are pros and cons.

05 Jun 2014

Java 8 Crib Sheet for Scala Developers

You’ve heard that Java 8 now has the main prerequisite for functional programming: functions. But you’re too busy writing Scala code to dig into the details, so we’ve put together a crib sheet on what’s in Java 8 from a Scala developer perspective.

05 Jan 2014

Fun with CRDTs

Notes from my presentation on implementing CRDTs for text editing. CRDTs are data structures designed to combine together when you have no control over order of changes, timing of changes, or the number of participants in the data structure.

24 Jul 2013

The Appeal of the Lift Web Framework for Scala

There's a three part series over at on why you might be interested in the Lift web framework.

06 Feb 2013

Using Catalog Resolvers with scala.XML

Clues on how to resolve local DTDs using Scala.XML.

05 Oct 2012

Distributed Comet with Lift and Amazon SNS

We've published a Lift module to allow you to talk to Amazon SNS, which is Amazon's pub/sub system. The module lets you register a function to receive messages from an SNS topic, and send messages to SNS.

23 Jul 2012

Closed Gardens: Don't repeat my mistakes

Don't commit time and effort to a service you care about if it doesn't give you the ability to get your data out. A promise of an export feature isn't an export feature.

10 Jun 2012

Updated Google Analytics Lift module for EU cookie law

I've updated the Lift Google Analytics plugin to make it easier to match the changes in EU cookie law.

09 Mar 2012

Lift Cookbook: an introduction

I've found the O'Reilly Cookbook series to be handy, so I've applied the pattern to the Lift web framework documentation.

24 Oct 2011


ReminderThing (RIP) was a fun project to find anniversaries in your contacts and calendar and send you an email nudge a week before.

28 Sep 2011

External Lift Modules

An external module is one way to share lumps of code with the Lift community.  The word “external” indicates that these are distinct from the modules in the core Lift repository maintained by Lift comitters.  But the pattern to create a module is the same, as Peter outlined on the Lift Wiki and in one or two posts on the Lift mailing list.

Anyone can create one, anywhere they like, and people do. So there’s nothing to talk about.